Wednesday 18 November 2015

Dr Vijay Kumar of Ogemaw - Reach Out to Expand Your Business

Dr Vijay Kumar of Ogemaw is a physical therapist and businessman that now owns five separate rehabilitation clinics. Being successful in business and getting yours to branch out comes down to several factors. If you are a business owner that is hoping to grow and experience the same kind of success that Kumar has, communication is key.

According to Friedman & Partners business development tips, you should, “Contact past clients at least once per quarter using a variety of media: personal visits, phone conversations, networking events, e-mail messages, or handwritten personal notes.” This kind of regular communication is a good way to keep connection with your customers.

Dr Vijay Kumar Ogemaw

Expanding a business is mostly about customer service. People like to feel like they are valued, especially in today’s market. That is why if you want to develop a better business you should focus on keeping a consistent communication with past clients. This is a good way to find out what they enjoyed about your service, and areas where it needs improvement. It is also important to remain in contact to let the clients know you care about them. Let them know that to your business, they are not just a number, but an integral part of what allows your business to work.

Good communication can give a business a great reputation and expand its profitability. Word of mouth is still an effective marketing strategy that starts with treating the customers right.

Dr Vijay Kumar of Ogemaw is a business owner that has experienced success through many development techniques.